
Showing posts from November, 2018

How is Practical Expertise as Important as Theoretical Knowledge?

Theory plays an important role in creating a foundation and developing a strong base that can withstand all hurdles but what about practical knowledge? What role does it play in different fields? How important is it for understanding? Well, just how a person can’t swim without actually being in the pool and a driver can’t drive without starting his engine, an engineer can’t function properly without practical knowledge. Some walks of life are practice-based and skill oriented. The theory requires practical application of the developed skill in engineering subjects. Therefore best engineering colleges in Rajasthan focus equally on the both. If the knowledge gained during those theory lessons isn’t applied in laboratories or projects, it will go for a waste.  Here’s a list of few benefits that are associated with the actual implementation of the  knowledge: Practical learning initiates self-learning and awareness. It provides a chance to perform trials and err...